February update Barney

Since the arrival of the hull of our newest vessel Shoalbuster Barney, a lot has been done. The last 6 weeks the shipyard worked hard to ensure they would make the delivery date of 1st of May 2015. And all the hard work they put in is showing, especially in the engine room and the accommodation.

Both air compressors have been installed as well the sewage plant. In the aft peak the rudder installation is already in place and some of the floor plates are in place. Not only in the aft peak, but also in the engine room the foundation of the floor plates is being placed as well.

Meanwhile, the accommodation has been fully decorated with the isolation material and the floors have been placed. Because of this the view has been changed significantly. In the messroom, most of the piping and drains have been placed. And in the tween deck, the full ventilation installation has been placed. This week the carpenters will start on the panelling inside; once this is started the accommodation will start to take look like a ship.

Outside is still looking like before, the only difference is that both tugger winches and anchor winches have been placed. But this is due to the fact that Barney is still lying in the water. Next week around 26 of February, the Barney will go inside the shed of Damen Gorinchem. Once she is inside the outside works can start such as painting and placing of the towing winch and hydraulic cranes.

Hereby some nice photo’s of the Barney.


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